# Tutorial

This document is a translated and organized version of the SQLAlchemy 1.4/2.0 Tutorial (opens new window).

The original official documentation is challenging to navigate and contains an overwhelming amount of information. Furthermore, it can be quite difficult for beginners to understand.
With this in mind, we thought of translating and organizing the SQLAlchemy Tutorial documents for easier comprehension and accessibility. The idea originated from this post (opens new window), where people gathered to work together on this project.

Over a little more than a month, we took turns each week to work on a chapter of the official Tutorial document.
We reviewed each other's work, refining the articles and asking questions about parts we didn't understand.
These documents are the results of such efforts and also represent the traces of our study.

There are still many imperfections, and there might be errors.
If you find such issues, please feel free to contribute. Your participation is always welcome.

The following individuals have contributed to this project: